Snapshot Serengeti Talk


  • phraps by phraps

    Whenever I classify an image i find interesting and click on "discuss" (next to "next image") it goes to the Talk page on the same window. Once on the talk page, I'm logged out so I have to log in again in order to comment. Then when I click on "return to classifying" I'm logged out AGAIN and I'm on the tutorial page. Did my classification count or did it get lost? And could you fix the logged-out thing?


  • arfon by arfon

    The classification is definitely not lost. When you click the 'discuss' button that triggers a save of the classification.

    As to why you're being logged out when moving between the different sites - I'm not sure. This shouldn't happen and is possibly a browser compatibility problem. Can you please tell me what web browser and operating system you're using?


  • phraps by phraps

    I am using WIndows 7 on both Internet Explorer 7 or Google Chrome
