Snapshot Serengeti Talk

Popular hashtags - links don't do anything

  • Robcheerio by Robcheerio

    The hashtag links on the left hand sidebar in this window don't appear to do anything.

    How do you annoy a web developer?


  • Robcheerio by Robcheerio

    That should read

    How do you annoy a web developer?


  • Robcheerio by Robcheerio

    ok, now it's

    How do you annoy a forum user?


  • Robcheerio by Robcheerio

    How do you annoy a web developer?

    Ok it's not funny now.


  • kosmala by kosmala scientist

    The development team is currently working on search functionality, which includes clicking-on-hashtag functionality. So it should work in the next few days.


  • Robcheerio by Robcheerio

    Thanks - sorry about my bad joke.


  • schaep by schaep

    I liked the div span joke though. That would clearly annoy me if I found a coworker seriously writing that 😃 😃


  • arfon by arfon

    Yup. Coming soon guys. Sorry it's taken us a while - we've been a little distracted classifying animals 😉
