Snapshot Serengeti Talk

Scientists - Can we see camera locations?

  • davidbygott by davidbygott moderator

    On the classification interface there is a little location button which takes you to a satellite image with a location marker. The location shown is always the same for every photo from every camera, although the (presumably correct) date and time are shown. Is it not technologically possible to show the actual location of the camera which took the photo? Or have the data been "dumbed down" to prevent poachers from seeing locations where their target species tend to hang out?


  • AowlanCrystal by AowlanCrystal moderator

    Interesting point David, about the poacher risk. Shame that we have to even consider such possibilities, as to why the location button only shows one location marker. But if it is to help save some of the most poached animals from being killed.

    I remembered watching a really sad program about 'Trophy' hunters, who were killing off the best maned and most healthly of the male Lions, the ones likely to be better at fighting his rivals away, from 'his' lionesses and who could likely better protect more of his cubs to independance, all because they (Trophy hunters) wanted the best looking 'trophy' to be in "their" collection and be envy of others who do the same. The program spoke about it having such a major and devastating impact on the Lion populations and overal health of the prides and reducing the quality and numbers of cubs and so on. Its a shame is still goes on and that these few people can't make do with just shooting photos and videos, and take home just memories, like the rest of us.


  • davidbygott by davidbygott moderator

    I asked Meredith about this and she says no, from the publicly accessible data you can't deduce location.
