Snapshot Serengeti Talk

Bugs on animals

  • AowlanCrystal by AowlanCrystal moderator

    I was wanting to clarify, how would you like us to be classify the bugs? for example those in this set of captures.

    Do we just indicate interaction with animals.

    Or should we add 'moving, standing, resting and/or feeding (some bloodsuckers might be feeding off an animal). some could be resting/standing hitching a lift between meals and some maybe moving about on animal.

    Obviously if some can be seen flying about or crawling over leaf/camera thats examples of moving. but just wanted to know how indepth you wished us to go with bug on animals?

    As this is a new animal classification for all of us. I've so far just put down what they can be seen doing.


    oh ps: if we happened upon two obvious different bug species, ie moth in a web and a spider eating it, do we just classify as 2 insect/spider and 'resting', 'eating' and 'interacting'? or should we indicated 1 insect/spider (moth-dead) as 'resting' and 1 insect/spider (spider) 'eating' and maybe 'interacting'.
    As doing this, would indicate to scientists, something was happening between different insect species, its probably unlikely we will get such an image, but now mentioned it, probably one will crop up! 😉
