Snapshot Serengeti Talk

No idea what this is

  • cervidae by cervidae

    enter image description here

    I've gone through every animal on the list and there is NOTHING about this that looks familiar.


  • cervidae by cervidae

    The only thing anything like it is zebra obviously but the color is just so...strange and I don't think it's possibly to be a zebra.


  • tillydad by tillydad moderator

    This is a young zebra. The foals have brown, rather than black, stripes and this is a particularly light brown. The foals also have a much shaggier coat than adult zebra. The brown stripes darken to black when the foal is between 9 and 18 months old, but typically darken at about 12 months .

    Hope this helps.


  • cervidae by cervidae

    Thank you very much! I was gonna guess zebra if I couldn't find anything else, the coat just looked so thick for a zebra.
