Snapshot Serengeti Talk

Collection: the majestic world of elephants

by virginia woods

Dear readers a friend of mine is known to protecting these elephants in Africa I may seem young but over the past couple of months I've realized elephants are being targeted. had a friend in a group called E.S.O Elephants, Saving , Organization.His name was Dr. Smitherson Lovel . Me and him would email back and forth until two months ago he stopped all a sudden? Dies by mole sooner than later i noticed he wasn't talking to me for 2 months so i asked his parents what he's doing and how is he. I noticed there parents started crying and then they said in a low voice"He's gone an we have no way we can keep the company running" Immediately the room was quite as if the world stopped.I burst out in tears ,i felt as if all was loss,(he was my last pice of family)as his parents looked at me they imdiantly knew that there son adopted me so i was still part of the family. As i grew i made the company came back up. If he was still alive i bet he would be proud of me but i know my jobs not done.I now go to church and after everything that has happened i believe that elephants are what has mad Dr. smitherson alive in soul and heart i now know he's in heaven and right now he smiles smile because he's proud of what he did for me and the elephants i think heavens for Real and when i get there i want to see him m dad Dr smitherson smileing right at me.When an elephant dies it becomes a apart life.When people die i bellive they become apart of life.I want to keep this real and i do not have much time i am visiting E.S.o so I'm in a bit of hurry. truly yours L.G Smitherson



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