Snapshot Serengeti Talk

Adding to favorites

  • lucycawte by lucycawte moderator

    Ok I am a bit useless with computers and I have never got round to using the favorites feature but how do you use it, how do you add images to it?


  • areinders by areinders moderator

    You can add images to your favorites by clicking on the little heart at the right top of each image in classifying mode. The heart will then become filled and the image will show up in your favorites. You can also "collect" images in a more organized manner by clicking on "discuss" under the image. That will take you to the discussions page where you can add a comment to the image. But you can also click on "collect" (a button appearing on the image itself) and then add this image to one of your collections. If you don't have any collections you can make a new one by selecting "start a new collection" from the pulldown menu that appears when you click "collect". I have collected images of e.g. elephants or giraffes, some people collect close-ups of animals etc. Since I started using "collect" more I have used "favorites" less often because everything is just in one collection unsorted so individual images are harder to find. But I still favorite especially nice or unusual images.
    I hope this was clear. Just try playing around with it, it can be a lot of fun to revisit images.


  • lucycawte by lucycawte moderator

    Thanks for that. I have been making the odd collection but just couldn't figure out how to add to favorites. It never occurred to me to click on the heart!

    Your explanation was perfect A real help.


  • areinders by areinders moderator

    Happy to help!
